May in the garden

‘Just living is not enough,’ said the butterfly.
‘One must have sunshine, freedom,
and a little flower.’

Hans Christian Andersen

Well with all those long weekends that we’ve all enjoyed lately I’m sure your gardens are looking beautiful, It was hard to tell what season we were in at times, everything seems to have had a huge growth spurt and at times it has had the feel of summer.

This is the month when for nature in the garden everything is happening – animals and insects are raising their young , the lovely chirping in the nests of the fluffy baby birds, native plants are coming into bloom, butterflies fill the air – if your garden isn’t as butterfly packed as you would like, try planting Honeysuckle or Buddleia ; there is now a new dwarf variety that can be grown in pots for your patio and won’t grow to the size of your house within a couple of years!

It’s time to start thinking about the summer garden. If you want to enjoy colour during the summer, spring is the time to plant out the summer flowering annuals, bulbs, perennials and shrubs. There is in fact so much to be doing this month that I could with a dozen or so pages, below I’ve listed the most important (and fun jobs)

· Lilacs should be pruned lightly after they finish blooming, removing sucker growths and dead blooms. Feed lilacs in May with a good all purpose fertilizer after they have finished blooming

· Prune privet lightly this month (wait till June if its exposed).

· After flowering, reduce tangled growth on clematis montana in positions where it cannot be allowed free rein. (The growth made this summer will flower next spring.) If space is tight, prune every year. If not, do it every few years. Clematis montana can be left unpruned indefinitely, but one day there will be a great big tangle to deal with.

· If you missed sowing some annual flowers sow some now, choose evening flowers, especially if you are out all day, then you can enjoy there fragrance in the evening…fragrant night-scented stocks, white-flowered cosmos ‘Purity’ and annual evening primroses, which open their brilliant lemon flowers at dusk, so that moths can pollinate them. Scatter them where you want the flowers.

· This is the best time to buy summer bedding plants for perking up flowerbeds and containers, as garden centers still have plenty of choice.

· Dahlias, gladiolas, tuberous begonias, lilies and cannas and other summer flowering bulbs can be planted this month. Gladiolas bulbs may be planted at 2 week increments until the first of July to provide you with cut flowers until the first frost.

· May is the month for sowing most vegetables outdoors – French and runner beans, beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflower, carrots, kale, leeks, lettuce, spring onions, parsnips, spinach and turnips. Stagger the sowings so that they crop over a longer period

· Lower the lawnmower blades to summer height and begin to cut regularly

Lawn Mowing – Moss Headaches?

Ed’s Garden Maintenance in Brighton & Hove has started trialing a unique new lawn feed and moss control product.

Manager Nick Fellows heard about this on Gardener’s Question Time and was excited by the fact that you do not need to rake out the ugly dead black moss that you are left with when using ordinary weed and feed products.

The product contains harmless bacteria that actually eat the dead moss! It is also Organic and contains a three-month slow release fertilizer – much longer than usual.

Lawn mowing can take place as normal while the product gradually does its work.

We will update as the trial progresses.

Ed’s On The Move!

Ed’s is expanding and we needed a bigger office. We were fortunate that a premise became available over the road which fitted our criteria – somewhere for Bobby to relax in the sun and still within a stone’s throw of the George and Dragon (the unofficial meeting room). The office is still in the heart of Thames Ditton Village and has a large reception area, 3 rooms and a board room where we can hold training sessions and our regular meetings.

We moved last Thursday 7th April, our telephone numbers remain the same and our new address is:-

Acorn House

3 The High Street

Thames Ditton


150 year old Olive tree comes to Richmond

Some may say that to have 4 people and a rather large crane involved are a little bit overboard for a tree but this was no ordinary tree, this was a 150 year old olive tree, direct from Italy, weighing over a tonne. And it was due to have a new home in a leafy Richmond.

I remember getting the call from the client saying he had just bought an Olive tree and could I help him to plant it, yeah no problem I said, a few phonecalls down the line and I started to realise that I couldn’t just pick this up and plant it in the ground.

So a full size crane was hired, we got digging, then the tree was elevated over the top of the roof of the house and precision dropped into the perfect hole we had created and filled with all the neccesary ingredients to give in the best start over here, a mixture of feed, sand, gravel and high grade compost were all the the list.

When finished and perfectly in situ it looked like the tree had always been there, the next step is to create a bed of beautiful Lavender and Rosemary to make it feel more at home.

April in the garden


“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”– Abraham Lincoln

At long last, spring has arrived! Is it just me or has this winter really dragged on? As you look out in your garden, does the nagging question of “where do I even begin” sound familiar? There is so much to do in every corner this month that it is difficult to know where to start.

In my opinion, the first and most important thing to do is to stand back for a moment, and simply enjoy the beauty that Mother Nature has given us…. Listen to the birds as they sing you a spring melody, I’m really enjoying having Mr Robin back working alongside me on a daily basis, it just makes it all a bit more enjoyable to be serenaded whilst at work.

Don’t worry too much if your garden doesn’t seem to be flourishing as you have been hoping – this is all down to the cold of the last few months and it will pick up quickly as the weather warms up.

The weather at this time of the year is everything mixed into a day. Bright sunny mornings will pass into rainy afternoons and end in sharp frosts. You will need your wits about you just to keep abreast of it. Consequently, April is not too late to prune roses sharp, especially if they are encouraged along by a week of warm weather. Sometime there will be a finger numbing frost that will cause more damage than ever.

Other Jobs to do this month:

Keep on top of the lawn

Mowing regularly will help strengthen your grass and discourage coarser grasses, apply a spring lawn fertiliser to encourage good, strong growth. If moss is a problem choose a combined fertiliser and moss killer. After a couple of weeks lightly rake the lawn with a spring-tine rake to remove dead moss and old plant debris.

Lawn in Teddington

Yes, it’s boring, but keep those weeds under control before they take off. Pull up the root wherever possible. Actually this can be quite therapeutic and the end result makes it well worthwhile.

Before your evergreen hedges like yew and holly have a chance to get growing (and assuming the frosts have passed), grab this last opportunity to prune them to the desired height.

Dead-head daffodils as soon as the flowers fade and leave foliage for a minimum of six weeks, or until it yellows. During this time the daffodils carry all the nutrients down to the bulb and they will be needed for fabulous flowers next year.

For Fun

Start a herb garden near the back door with young mint, rosemary and tarragon plants. Sow seeds of hardy herbs like parsley and chives in nearby patches. Get the kids involved in the planting and the subsequent cutting for the cooking pan or plate.

If your child(ren) prefer flowers then sow hardy annuals like pansies and nasturtiums which are very dependable and offer plentiful flowers.

March in the garden

Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer. ~Geoffrey B. Charlesworth


March sees spring bulbs out in force with days often being bright and sunny, if a little windy. Buds are appearing all over the garden, as are the weeds! The days get longer as the clocks go forward and life starts to slowly reawaken from the long sleep of winter.

This seems to be the time of year more than any other when I really notice how in sync we are with nature, spring feels like waking up after a long sleep and starting to feel full of energy and vitality again, so too in the garden as bulbs are forcing their way through the soil and buds are forming on the tree’s. New life is visible everywhere, people seem happier and the birds seem to sing that little bit louder.

The sun is here starting to warm the earth, it is all starting to happen under the ground, there is always something new to experience in the garden this month. With spring being probably the busiest season in the garden, there is much to do but be warned that late frosts are still likely to be careful not to put anything tender to risk.

The early spring sunshine brings to life yellow and blue planting schemes, my favourite for pots and baskets. Note as you look around for wild flowers, drifts of bluebells with pale yellow primroses, daffodils and forget-me-nots, nature never gets it wrong.


The Lawn

The lawn is likely to show real signs of growth this month. Start mowing with blades at their highest settings and slowly lower over the next few weeks to prevent stressing your lawn. Now is a great time to start making repairs to any worn or damaged areas of your lawn.

Butterfly Bush (Buddleia)

Prune the butterfly bush Buddleia davidii hard back to a framework of older wood at 60-120cm. Shoots will already be starting to grow but don’t worry. Cut hard back to the size you require, even if it leaves the plant entirely leafless. This plant will come back time and time again and is one of the garden’s fastest and most prolific growers. Flowers will be on the ends of this year’s growth.



Use clean, sharp secateurs to prune bush roses (hybrid teas and floribundas) now, if you haven’t already done so. First cut off all dead, damaged or diseased stems and thin, spindly twigs. Note that hard-pruning increases strong growth, so cut back weak shoots hard (to leave only about 1in of last year’s growth) cutting above an outward-facing bud; leave about 2-3in of last year’s growth on stronger stems. Shrub roses need less radical pruning. Take out about one third of the oldest and thickest branches at their base, using a pruning saw. Tidy up the remaining stems by trimming over the top to reduce height by about 4in.

Other things to do this month

· Prune bushes and shrubs to encourage new growth

· Feed fruit trees

· Plant summer bulbs around the garden borders

· Plant a spring container

· Clear debris and old stems from beds and borders as well as weeds and follow with good mulch of compost or bark

· Divide and replant congested perennials

· Dead head any early spring flowers and bulbs as they die off

· Remove weeds and reseed lawns if needed

· Spring clean paths and driveways removing stubborn weeds

· Now is a good time to plant or move evergreens, as the weather warms up and root activity commences, but before new shoots have opened.

Spring is so very nearly upon us, so happy March Gardeners.

Female Entrepreneur of the Year award

The Zimbabwean Achievers Awards have been set up to “recognise Zimbabweans throughout the UK who have pushed the limits against all the odds to raise the Zimbabwean flag high and do both themselves and their fellow countrymen proud” according to the website. When I received the call notifying me of my nomination I was knee deep in well rotted horse manure, and feeling anything but the entrepreneurial business woman flying her national flag high! It is an incredible honour to be nominated by this burgeoning bud of positive Zimbabweans who are striving to make a difference here in the UK.

It was humbling to read about what our UK based Zimbabweans have achieved, some literally risking life and limb in the front line of duty, whilst others are fighting for the human rights of fellow Zimbabweans, boosting tourism and encouraging entrepreneurship back in Zimbabwe. Pruning Mrs Smith’s roses for her seems terribly inadequate amongst this lot, and I feel incredibly lucky to have even been considered, never mind nominated!
Ed’s has been a hugely supportive part of my business growth, and a mix of wonderful clients and hardworking, passionate employee’s have allowed me to grow my business during a time of recession. I think a large part of this is due to my Zimbabwean upbringing; a phrase I was weaned on was “We’ll make a plan” if things went wrong. Friends in the UK have taught me a new one, “Fancy trainers and kissy lips won’t get you across the finish line” , something I often repeat to myself during the wettest, bleakest and lonelist days. My parents and brothers taught me the importance of integrity, of doing what you say you’ll do, and of supporting those around you. I have aspired to bring this with me into my business and have been lucky to have clients who have been flexible and supportive during the growth stages. People often ask me if I want to go ‘home’, but Zimbabwe is with me in the way I speak, the person I am, the friends and family I have, and in so many of my memories. The UK has offered me an incredible opportunity to start and run a business, and I have been overwhelmed by the positivity and support of both professionals and friends here. A lot like the horse manure, I think the best option for now is to spread the love for both!
If you would like to vote please visit the website

October in the garden

October in the garden

For the next couple of months it may seem that all you are doing is clearing up leaves, as quick as you can clear them, they have fallen again. It can feel like a never ending cycle, especially if you are lucky enough to live in a place surrounded by giant Chesnuts and Oaks but it is very important for the health of your autumn lawn. Leaving leaves where they fall will starve your lawn of light and can quickly cause the spread of fungal disease.

I always consider it to be good honest work and if you really put your back into it and whistle while you work, you can skip that session at the gym that you had planned. Here’s a little tip if you don’t have too many leaves to clear: Rake them on to the lawn and just cut the grass, let the mower do the picking up for you, a small amount of leaves can be added to your compost heap or bin in the normal way.

However, if you are gathering large quantities to save you endless trips to the tip, you could try making leafmould.

Great for top-dressing containers, rockeries and woodland plants, leafmould can even used as a top-dressing for container grown Rhododendrons and Camellias in Spring or as a mulch for perennials and it couldn’t be simpler to make.


Step 1

Place the damp leaves into black bin liners with a few air holes added using a garden fork.



Step 2

Tie the tops and stack the bags in a shady spot out of the way.





Step 3

Leave the bags until next autumn, by which time the leaves should have broken down to form rich, crumbly mulch. For a finer top-dressing leave longer. Take care when opening the bags and do not breath in any dust or spores from the compost.



Also this month:


  • Plant Tulip bulbs
  • Plant new perennials and climbers
  • Force bulbs for Christmas
  • Plant up some new autumn interest planters for the patio
  • When the first frosts have blackened the foliage of your dahlias trim them back to the base of the main stems and carefully dig up the tubers
  • Keep houseplants drier to slow down growth during the winter
  • Clear garden, burn any diseased debris and compost the rest
  • Take semi-ripe cuttings from shrubs and roses
  • Turfing
  • Cut back remaining perennials that have finished flowering