Lawn Mowing – Moss Headaches?

Ed’s Garden Maintenance in Brighton & Hove has started trialing a unique new lawn feed and moss control product.

Manager Nick Fellows heard about this on Gardener’s Question Time and was excited by the fact that you do not need to rake out the ugly dead black moss that you are left with when using ordinary weed and feed products.

The product contains harmless bacteria that actually eat the dead moss! It is also Organic and contains a three-month slow release fertilizer – much longer than usual.

Lawn mowing can take place as normal while the product gradually does its work.

We will update as the trial progresses.

Ed’s On The Move!

Ed’s is expanding and we needed a bigger office. We were fortunate that a premise became available over the road which fitted our criteria – somewhere for Bobby to relax in the sun and still within a stone’s throw of the George and Dragon (the unofficial meeting room). The office is still in the heart of Thames Ditton Village and has a large reception area, 3 rooms and a board room where we can hold training sessions and our regular meetings.

We moved last Thursday 7th April, our telephone numbers remain the same and our new address is:-

Acorn House

3 The High Street

Thames Ditton