Mow the Merrier

John Marshall soon discovered the merits of his branded van when he started with one regular client in Chertsey, which soon became two and is now up to five with a potential of reaching 20 new customers on one estate by the spring. This has been possible by providing excellent service, displaying a clean branded trailer for great advertising and wearing a smart uniform. Please call us if you wish to have a free quote for some professional garden maintenance.

Giving your hedge an edge

Michael has been in business for
three years and is a hedge cutting expert.
Michael c
uts about four hundred hedges a year. He has even been asked by a local gardening club in Petersfield to give a demonstration on hedge-cutting.

From being the smallest gardener in his area he is now the largest in terms of work load and customers because he has all the equipment and can do any job. He says “Our work has to be excellent, and we aim to be better than everyone else”.