Investing in our future

Investing in the future – Community Commitment

Investing in the future is at the very core of Ed’s. Our Ed’s gardeners love underpinning the longevity of gardens as part of serving their local communities. However, some of our gardeners also take active roles in community service beyond their gardening. Andrew, who runs his gardening business in Chertsey has also had a prominent volunteering role in his community for over 20 years as an active member and leader of Runnymede Scouts District.

It is Andrew’s Scouts District’s 50th anniversary this year. This September, as part of a weekend of outdoor scouting fun, Cub Scouts from Runnymede District helped Andrew plant a commemorative copper beech tree. Ed’s was very happy to sponsor this project.

Did you know that a beech tree was considered a symbol of knowledge and wisdom by Ancient Greeks? Furthermore, beech trees can live for 250 – 400 years.

Over to Andrew…

This is what Andrew has to say about the project…

“I have an outdoor job as well as being a Scout leader. Therefore, I know how much we all benefit from time spent outdoors in nature. So, I was delighted when Ed’s HQ offered to cover the cost for the tree. Ed’s turned our hopes for a living reminder of the 50th anniversary into reality.

Around 200 young people and adults attended Runnymede District Cub Camp for the District’s 50th Anniversary this year (20-22nd September 2024) and to mark the occasion in an environmentally conscious way, the Cubs planted the commemorative tree.”

“The tree planting event, which took place at Birchmere Campsite on September
21st, was part of a weekend of outdoor scouting fun. Cubs of all ages took
part in a wide range of woodland themed activities, followed by a traditional campfire on Saturday evening.”

“Our new tree will contribute to the environment and be enjoyed by current and future Scouts for many years to come.”