Planning ahead for spring

Planning ahead for spring with Ed’s

Planning ahead for spring is on your to do list?

It’s easy to feel like you have lots of time with the mainly wintery weather we are currently having. Some days it can feel like spring must be a very long way off indeed! It is hard to imagine your garden as a sunny place where you want to be out spending as much time as possible.

However, it is official. Spring really is just around the corner.

All the signs are there. The snowdrops are already out and the daffodils and tulips will be hot on their heels. It’s time to think ahead, folks! Planning ahead for spring really is a good idea.

Indeed, Our Ed’s gardeners enjoy working with you over the year to help you plan ahead to achieve what you want from your garden. We are always happy to advise on the best time to undertake a whole range of gardening jobs.

Before we know where we are, mowing will be in full swing so it is always a good idea to think of the other jobs you might want doing around now. Our gardeners are likely to have a bit more free time earlier in the season before they get into the extremely busy period when lawns are growing like crazy. In addition to mowing, our Ed’s gardeners deliver core services of hedge cutting, garden tidy ups, garden clearances and jet washing patios and drives.

In summary, our Ed’s gardeners’ aim is to help you to keep your gardens looking fabulous. Some jobs are big and some are small – we are happy to discuss all of them with you.

If you think our gardeners can help you with any of your garden’s needs for the season ahead, please do get in touch.